Meh...NBD. Got to the crater to see this:
View from the top of Haleakala--9740ft.
Then once daylight hit we started to kind of mess around:
My brother and I spelling AB--YA ALBERTA!!(Can you see it?? haha)
Jumping off a wall at 10023ft!
Then we biked down the volcano:
My aunts, uncle, mom and brother and I posing on the way down
Me, posing with the super hefty duty bikes that felt more like motorcycles
Alien helmet face off
So we descended relatively slowly with monster bikes that you didn't really ever need to pedal. I felt like I was on a motorbike rather than a bike. Haha. Those alien helmets were pretty awesome though I must say! Haha.
So that was a good way to start off the year! Kind of just napped for the rest of the day though...
SO 2011...tri season...officially started in December and now moving forward...Only 3 more days in Maui before I head back to Edmonton. Can we say trainer time?? I'm going to need to stock up on some good music/DVD's/TV series for the next 4 months of indoor riding. Boo. Oh well.
2011: The Race Plans
Jan 23--Carlsbad HM
Feb--Maybe hypothermic half marathon
March--Campus Rec indoor tri
May--St. Albert HM, UofA Spring Thaw Sprint, Coronation Sprint
June--Chinook HIM
I'm just going to go to there for now. Anything past that is a bit up in the air. As far as goals. IMLP is my big ticket event...Minimally I would like to place in my AG there, maximally I would like to KQ. The KQ is really up in the air and how training goes...It's going to need a fast time--11-12hrs at least. We will see how the improvement/injury-free curve goes.
Further more specific goals as the year progresses!