Well the month of the marathon is just about completed. Took about a week off after the marathon (I swam once...) and then this week jumped back on the swimming and started some "injury prevention" strength training. I was pretty sore after Monday, but my body has adapted somewhat quickly to squats and stuff.
November will be filled up with swim, bike and strength. I might slowly start to inch my way into some running after Remembrance Day to get ready for the HM in Carlsbad.
I'm a Bonesaw! University of Alberta Class of Medicine 2013! I'm a Triathlete! This is my story...

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Nike Women's Marathon: Race Report
Took me 4:25:16. I am not particularly impressed with the time, but hey...its a marathon...definately one of those situations where all you can do is all you can do. I remember being in pain...I remember talking to myself in my head to just keep going...haha.
Woke up at about 4:50 to down a bagel that I brought with me and some GU Brew. Sat in bed awhile and then proceeded to get dressed in my gear and do a final checklist to make sure I had everything. Went downstairs to meet the other girls and we took some pictures before heading down to the race start...All I can say about this is wow...get a bunch of med girls together and it is apparently guarenteed that we will be talking about how awesome or unawesome our gastrocolic reflex was...mine awesome...some other girls...not so awesome. Haha. Yay for gastrocolic reflex non-fail!!! Haha.
Once we had checked our bags we headed to our selected race pace spots. I decided on 9-9:59min/mile. I was with one of the other girls and we did the group stretch and chilled out together until the race start went. It was CRAZY! 25000 runners! They started both the full and half marathons at the same time! AHH!! Haha. The first few km's were as they normally are with the walkers seeding themselves at the front and then having everyone behind them trying to deek them out to get into a solid position on the road. I was feeling pretty good. Ran down by Fisherman's Wharf and Ghiredelli Square then towards Golden Gate Bridge. It was definately an awesome way to see some of the main touristy spots in San Fran. Then the hills started...sure enough like the race elevation map said...hello 6miles...hello hills...I didn't find them too bad and was still moving along at a decent pace...about 9:30/mile. There was this one hill that was never ending...up-plateau-up-plateau-up-plateau-up...on and on. Haha. We hit a long downhill at around 15km and I tweaked my glut injury and proceeded to run a little bit run-hop style for the remaining 27km of the race...ya...haha.
It was also around that point that I really started to become a tad unaware of my surroundings..apparently we ran through Golden Gate Park? Haha. The full and half separated from one another in the park and we did a loop of the park and then came back together just before the finish line when the full turned off and went down and back the New Highway for 10miles. It was so desolate almost when the full and half separated from one another. It was really weird. It went from a huge packed group of people to almost being staggered. Lots of room to run I guess, but it kind of felt lonely. I was starting to feel it a bit by 17miles...then I heard EYE OF THE TIGER!! They had these Nike Powersongs along the route. I was so psyched...I almost started crying..just ridiculous. So that got me through a good .5mile before a new song distracted me from my Eye of the Tiger awesomeness. 18miles...19miles...20miles...Wow it got quiet...people were sort of having side conversations up until that point and then just nothing...no more talking...silence. It was a bit erie to tell you the truth. It was raining by that point and the wind was up a bit. Cold and silence...and the pain. Every step was murder to my feet, knees, hips, glut and low back. I walked 3 aide stations to take in enough water because I was feeling a bit woozy and decided I needed to stop doing that because it hurt far too much to stop and start. I couldn't even focus long enough to calculate what pace I was on per/km from miles anymore....I somehow totally missed the chocolate mile because I was concentrating so hard on moving forward. 22miles...4miles to go...seriously doubting myself at this point but I just forced myself to not think about it...to move one foot after the other in some semblance of a hop-run because my glut was done and my left hamstring was cramping. 23miles--OMG that means there is only 5km left...move it...max a half hr left. 24miles...40km...25miles...1 more mile to go...I just put my angry, pain face on and tried to pick it up to get to the finish line faster. Saw the finish line and guess what? Started crying...the medic came over and told me to sit down in the wheelchair he had and I sat there until I could cohesively put a sentence together to say I was fine and could get up and move. Made it through the assembly line of hawt firemen to get my necklace (which is awesome), finish t-shirt (also awesome), food (gone now...but at the time was awesome)...etc. (I must say it was extemely well organised) Then I heard some of the girls who stayed behind in the rain to meet everyone who finished. And started crying again...I need to get a handle on this. haha.
Race Number and Thermal Plastic wrap thing:

Tiffany Blue Box and Finisher's "medal":

I'm really happy I finished and at least I have a marathon under my belt in prep for IMLP next summer! Need some more miles on the legs, but first I am taking a solid 6 weeks off running to heal and strengthen my glut.
Woke up this morning fairly sore but able to move at least. Wore the compression pants all night and day. Got some new tri gear (why don't we have stores like Sports Basement in Canada?? Honestly...). So all in all a good day! Last night in San Fran! Going to see Alcatraz tomorrow and then hopping on the plane back to Edmonton!
Thanks to everyone who helps and supports me on the marathon/IMLP crazy train! :) You guys are all awesome!
Took me 4:25:16. I am not particularly impressed with the time, but hey...its a marathon...definately one of those situations where all you can do is all you can do. I remember being in pain...I remember talking to myself in my head to just keep going...haha.
Woke up at about 4:50 to down a bagel that I brought with me and some GU Brew. Sat in bed awhile and then proceeded to get dressed in my gear and do a final checklist to make sure I had everything. Went downstairs to meet the other girls and we took some pictures before heading down to the race start...All I can say about this is wow...get a bunch of med girls together and it is apparently guarenteed that we will be talking about how awesome or unawesome our gastrocolic reflex was...mine awesome...some other girls...not so awesome. Haha. Yay for gastrocolic reflex non-fail!!! Haha.
Once we had checked our bags we headed to our selected race pace spots. I decided on 9-9:59min/mile. I was with one of the other girls and we did the group stretch and chilled out together until the race start went. It was CRAZY! 25000 runners! They started both the full and half marathons at the same time! AHH!! Haha. The first few km's were as they normally are with the walkers seeding themselves at the front and then having everyone behind them trying to deek them out to get into a solid position on the road. I was feeling pretty good. Ran down by Fisherman's Wharf and Ghiredelli Square then towards Golden Gate Bridge. It was definately an awesome way to see some of the main touristy spots in San Fran. Then the hills started...sure enough like the race elevation map said...hello 6miles...hello hills...I didn't find them too bad and was still moving along at a decent pace...about 9:30/mile. There was this one hill that was never ending...up-plateau-up-plateau-up-plateau-up...on and on. Haha. We hit a long downhill at around 15km and I tweaked my glut injury and proceeded to run a little bit run-hop style for the remaining 27km of the race...ya...haha.
It was also around that point that I really started to become a tad unaware of my surroundings..apparently we ran through Golden Gate Park? Haha. The full and half separated from one another in the park and we did a loop of the park and then came back together just before the finish line when the full turned off and went down and back the New Highway for 10miles. It was so desolate almost when the full and half separated from one another. It was really weird. It went from a huge packed group of people to almost being staggered. Lots of room to run I guess, but it kind of felt lonely. I was starting to feel it a bit by 17miles...then I heard EYE OF THE TIGER!! They had these Nike Powersongs along the route. I was so psyched...I almost started crying..just ridiculous. So that got me through a good .5mile before a new song distracted me from my Eye of the Tiger awesomeness. 18miles...19miles...20miles...Wow it got quiet...people were sort of having side conversations up until that point and then just nothing...no more talking...silence. It was a bit erie to tell you the truth. It was raining by that point and the wind was up a bit. Cold and silence...and the pain. Every step was murder to my feet, knees, hips, glut and low back. I walked 3 aide stations to take in enough water because I was feeling a bit woozy and decided I needed to stop doing that because it hurt far too much to stop and start. I couldn't even focus long enough to calculate what pace I was on per/km from miles anymore....I somehow totally missed the chocolate mile because I was concentrating so hard on moving forward. 22miles...4miles to go...seriously doubting myself at this point but I just forced myself to not think about it...to move one foot after the other in some semblance of a hop-run because my glut was done and my left hamstring was cramping. 23miles--OMG that means there is only 5km left...move it...max a half hr left. 24miles...40km...25miles...1 more mile to go...I just put my angry, pain face on and tried to pick it up to get to the finish line faster. Saw the finish line and guess what? Started crying...the medic came over and told me to sit down in the wheelchair he had and I sat there until I could cohesively put a sentence together to say I was fine and could get up and move. Made it through the assembly line of hawt firemen to get my necklace (which is awesome), finish t-shirt (also awesome), food (gone now...but at the time was awesome)...etc. (I must say it was extemely well organised) Then I heard some of the girls who stayed behind in the rain to meet everyone who finished. And started crying again...I need to get a handle on this. haha.
Race Number and Thermal Plastic wrap thing:

Tiffany Blue Box and Finisher's "medal":

I'm really happy I finished and at least I have a marathon under my belt in prep for IMLP next summer! Need some more miles on the legs, but first I am taking a solid 6 weeks off running to heal and strengthen my glut.
Woke up this morning fairly sore but able to move at least. Wore the compression pants all night and day. Got some new tri gear (why don't we have stores like Sports Basement in Canada?? Honestly...). So all in all a good day! Last night in San Fran! Going to see Alcatraz tomorrow and then hopping on the plane back to Edmonton!
Thanks to everyone who helps and supports me on the marathon/IMLP crazy train! :) You guys are all awesome!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
AH!! NWM: 4 days!
Well its only 4 days away!!!! AHHH!!! :)
Got my speedwork strides in today and a swim. Bit achy, but that's how it goes for me with taper. I get to sleep in tomorrow. 1 swim/1 run until SAN FRAN!!!
Got my speedwork strides in today and a swim. Bit achy, but that's how it goes for me with taper. I get to sleep in tomorrow. 1 swim/1 run until SAN FRAN!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
1 WEEK TILL NWM: Getting pumped!
So I have been immersing myself in inspirational propagnda for a past 2 days...well yesterday was pretty much soley Kona...today I was youtubing select inspirational commercials...like my fav Versus commercial from the summer...
"It's you vs them"--haha. Yes...this is the one from July...Bad ass coach dude..."It's you vs can't...it's you vs NO...excuses..." etc etc etc. Haha.
I thrive on this...I have also been listening to some saweet "Eye of the Tiger"...Maybe I should just watch Rocky IV and get that out of the way? Hmmm?
Anyways. Went for a 6km run today...felt pretty decent. Didn't do the 20km as was originally set out in my training plan due to the twinging pain during a 15km hill run on Thursday. Took a few days to make sure I hadn't completely re-injured myself and to stretch out my glutes. My ass isn't bothering me too much right now. My knees were feeling a little bit grindy. I'm so glad there is only really one week left in this season. Hahaha. I want to do some Zumba and strength and decompress before starting the IM build (and rest my legs, of course).
My current NWM race plan: conservative conservative conservative. Since I have never done one before, the first half is going to be pretty chill, focusing on getting into a good rhythm and easy stride. I'm going to really try to focus on having a solid 10km from 25-35km and then bringing the last 7km home with whatever I have left. Smart fueling (I bought all my Carb-boom gus and my GU Brew the other day).
NWM week plan: I'm going to get an easy 10km in tomorrow, a 5km of strides in on Wed, an easy 5km on Fri. Sat is my travel day with my MAGIC PANTS...and then Sunday is the big day! Sleep, sleep, sleep...carbo load on Thurs/Fri night. Hydrate...all that good stuff! :)
Just have to trust that I have done all I can do in prep for this marathon, given the ass injury and long season. Get in there and giv'er!
It's ON!
"It's you vs them"--haha. Yes...this is the one from July...Bad ass coach dude..."It's you vs can't...it's you vs NO...excuses..." etc etc etc. Haha.
I thrive on this...I have also been listening to some saweet "Eye of the Tiger"...Maybe I should just watch Rocky IV and get that out of the way? Hmmm?
Anyways. Went for a 6km run today...felt pretty decent. Didn't do the 20km as was originally set out in my training plan due to the twinging pain during a 15km hill run on Thursday. Took a few days to make sure I hadn't completely re-injured myself and to stretch out my glutes. My ass isn't bothering me too much right now. My knees were feeling a little bit grindy. I'm so glad there is only really one week left in this season. Hahaha. I want to do some Zumba and strength and decompress before starting the IM build (and rest my legs, of course).
My current NWM race plan: conservative conservative conservative. Since I have never done one before, the first half is going to be pretty chill, focusing on getting into a good rhythm and easy stride. I'm going to really try to focus on having a solid 10km from 25-35km and then bringing the last 7km home with whatever I have left. Smart fueling (I bought all my Carb-boom gus and my GU Brew the other day).
NWM week plan: I'm going to get an easy 10km in tomorrow, a 5km of strides in on Wed, an easy 5km on Fri. Sat is my travel day with my MAGIC PANTS...and then Sunday is the big day! Sleep, sleep, sleep...carbo load on Thurs/Fri night. Hydrate...all that good stuff! :)
Just have to trust that I have done all I can do in prep for this marathon, given the ass injury and long season. Get in there and giv'er!
It's ON!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
KONA! and the beginning of future plans!
Macca was something else today!! Kudos to him for pulling that last 3km out! My favourite part was him saying "I'm just glad I finished without the sponges!" Hahaha. Awesome. Just awesome.
I've been sitting here pondering my own IM year. Starting to plan out my training plan for the next 9 months. I have the weekend free because I finished my GI exam yesterday, so I figure I'll get it started? Haha.
NEXT WEEKEND: NIKE WOMEN'S MARATHON--I am so excited to go down with my fellow Bonesaw ladies to San Fran!! Woop woop! 7 more days!!! :)
Post next weekend: Just swimming, strength and some Zumba until Dec 19. Why Dec 19 you ask? Well its the day I head out to Hawaii for my Christmas vacation...and I figure...why not start the IM journey out there? (trying to keep all my intentions about the Big K on the DL for the moment being...but it feels slightly fitting to start where I would ideally, in a perfect world of my mind will end?) So Dec 19 it is.
I'm working on my strength plan for Oct 20-Jan 31ish. I'll prob try to lift 3-4x weekly, plus swimming 4x week, plus Zumba for kicks 1-2x week. Start bike/run on Dec 19. Stop swimming club at the end of Feb. Full onset of IM training: March 1. I realise this might be a bit confusing...but I've got it covered...for the moment. I'll get opinions on my plan when I have figured it all out and inputed, etc. So yaaa.
Well. I'm calling it a night! Awesome race this year at Kona with Macca and Carfrae! I guess it is fitting to start off my IM planning at the cumulative end of one IM season? :)
I've been sitting here pondering my own IM year. Starting to plan out my training plan for the next 9 months. I have the weekend free because I finished my GI exam yesterday, so I figure I'll get it started? Haha.
NEXT WEEKEND: NIKE WOMEN'S MARATHON--I am so excited to go down with my fellow Bonesaw ladies to San Fran!! Woop woop! 7 more days!!! :)
Post next weekend: Just swimming, strength and some Zumba until Dec 19. Why Dec 19 you ask? Well its the day I head out to Hawaii for my Christmas vacation...and I figure...why not start the IM journey out there? (trying to keep all my intentions about the Big K on the DL for the moment being...but it feels slightly fitting to start where I would ideally, in a perfect world of my mind will end?) So Dec 19 it is.
I'm working on my strength plan for Oct 20-Jan 31ish. I'll prob try to lift 3-4x weekly, plus swimming 4x week, plus Zumba for kicks 1-2x week. Start bike/run on Dec 19. Stop swimming club at the end of Feb. Full onset of IM training: March 1. I realise this might be a bit confusing...but I've got it covered...for the moment. I'll get opinions on my plan when I have figured it all out and inputed, etc. So yaaa.
Well. I'm calling it a night! Awesome race this year at Kona with Macca and Carfrae! I guess it is fitting to start off my IM planning at the cumulative end of one IM season? :)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Study break...NWM=9 days
GI final tomorrow. I'm currently taking a break from my Disney movie marathon study adventure of today.
Currently watching Hercules and I think Beauty and the Beast is next on the list. Then I have to get a 15km hill run in. ONLY 9 MORE DAYS TILL THE NIKE WOMEN'S MARATHON!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Scary.
Right now I'm a bit freaked out with my preparation and taper...but I guess that is normal. I'm forcing myself to try and stick to my original taper plan.
Today-15km hills
Sat-20km flat
Sun--5km flat
Mon--10km rolling
Wed--5km strides
Need to go shopping to gather up some more lytes and gels for the race. The course won't have any gels and I'm debating wearing my H20 belt or not...I'll take it with me for sure and decide when I get to San Fran.
Ok...back to studying time..
Currently watching Hercules and I think Beauty and the Beast is next on the list. Then I have to get a 15km hill run in. ONLY 9 MORE DAYS TILL THE NIKE WOMEN'S MARATHON!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Scary.
Right now I'm a bit freaked out with my preparation and taper...but I guess that is normal. I'm forcing myself to try and stick to my original taper plan.
Today-15km hills
Sat-20km flat
Sun--5km flat
Mon--10km rolling
Wed--5km strides
Need to go shopping to gather up some more lytes and gels for the race. The course won't have any gels and I'm debating wearing my H20 belt or not...I'll take it with me for sure and decide when I get to San Fran.
Ok...back to studying time..
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Race Results and a Gluten Free Diet Experiment
Well its October...I guess I should update the two races I did at the end of September.
Trail Half Marathon: 2:40:51 5/8 AG, 39/65 OA
Heartbeat Run 10km: 52:16 12/30 AG, 68/144 OA
So pretty dec.
I'm also conducting a gluten free diet experiment to see if I will feel better GI wise and fatigue wise. We will see if it is effective. I'm heading into day 3 tomorrow. I'm sure I will be super craving bread and pasta in about 3-4 more days..haha.
Trail Half Marathon: 2:40:51 5/8 AG, 39/65 OA
Heartbeat Run 10km: 52:16 12/30 AG, 68/144 OA
So pretty dec.
I'm also conducting a gluten free diet experiment to see if I will feel better GI wise and fatigue wise. We will see if it is effective. I'm heading into day 3 tomorrow. I'm sure I will be super craving bread and pasta in about 3-4 more days..haha.
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